Music and Mind Control                     

Music provides access to deep subconscious, emotional, nonlinear/logical portions of the psyche. In this way music assists, intensifies, and boosts the impact of programming. Music can also set off certain triggers within specified targeted individuals.

For years popular music has been used to influence the "collective unconsciousness" of the younger generation and keep the older generation in line with the covert agendas (don’t think for yourself, listen to the authorities, etc.) Popular music has been infiltrated by the intelligence agencies with their secret agendas, and we have been the unknowing recipients of their subtle programming.

The music of the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and present was manipulated by this technology. These feel-good songs are still used in mass marketing to sell their products and to promote their covert agendas imbedded in the songs.                                                                                                                        

Another sinister approach being used is the training, programming and mind controlling agendas that certain Music stars and Artist are undergoing. They are being trained to fulfill special programmed functions as mass entertainers in the general mind control of Today’s Youth.

There are specific frequencies and subliminal commands embedded in sound tracks of popular music. These frequencies are dubbed into the soundtrack to reinforce a lyric or message. The songs now have subliminal psycho-acoustically modified and synthesized content. These are hard to detect because it is being projected in the same chord and frequency as the music.

Notice Rap, Rock and R&B songs are of a depressing nature emphasizing failed relationships and physical, emotional, and mental dependencies. This is sending a specific message to a targeted population. And this is what our children and teenagers are listening to every day. This is conditioned programming that we are sending to adults to abuse their children resulting in giving their lives over to government agencies (welfare, health, etc.)

In heavy metal and RAP music there is an overabundance of negativity, hate, violence, destructive messages with subliminal messages also being dubbed in.

Thus we observe that the wide reaching avenue of music is being utilized as an aid to (Electromagnetic/Radio frequencies) or EM/RF mind control programming directed toward selected groups. (Youth)

An example of someone speaking out about the destructive nature of songs being played to our younger generation is Charlton Heston. In his recent Harvard Speech he told his story about speaking out at a Time/Warner stockholders’ meeting. They were selling a CD called "Cop Killer" by the rapper named Ice-T. This song celebrates ambushing and murdering police officers. Heston read the sick racist lyrics of the song to the stockholders. When he read the lyrics to the press they said they couldn’t print it. And Heston said "I know, but Time/Warner’s selling it." For sticking up for decency, Heston is now being snubbed by Time/Warner. But he says it’s worth it. He says disobedience means you must be willing to act, not just talk. A good lesson for all of us!

Mass programming is instituted through all avenues — television, radio, news, movies, computer games, magazines, books, and just about everything around us.

There has been a mass marketing of music, movies and television programs depicting disintegrating families (breaking down family values and family stability). This is projected as normal life. The message broadcast to the general audiences including children, pre-teens and teenagers is that disobedience, violence, and sexual relationships (no matter at what age outside of marriage) are okay because they are exciting. The destructive message being conveyed to the youth is that they are free to do whatever feels good no matter who they hurt in the process.

Finally, Like Heston, we are about to speak out on this problem and with your help we can start in the City of Memphis, TN and take this message nationally. In order to take back radio and video airwaves, magazines, movies etc… we need three major components.

1) A Marketable and Crossover/Mainstream Artist! (REMEDY) “Called for such a time as this”!   Note: We have embedded the scriptures of the bible in our music!!

2) Marketing Plan! (WHICH WE HAVE)

That’s where YOU, “The Program Director/Radio Station” comes in!  With a seed from you, and/or your Ministry, you can take action and be apart of what we call “OPERATION YOUTH TAKE BACK”! (MATT 11; 12) “The Kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent men take it by force”,

 We have identified that the root of the problem is the negative RAP and R&B music that are training/programming our youth subconsciously; but, Together we can solve it by putting out an equally amount of Positive mass marketing songs, artists, videos, movies and magazines etc; that are conscious about the evil agendas at hand. I think we all are dissatisfied with how things are, and where things could be heading! This is an opportunity for us to STEP UP, TAKE ACTION, and FIGHT for the inheritance of God…..OUR Youth!!!

The DECISION is ours…………